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영화관에서 보면 좋은 영화로 추천! 예술성 ★★★★★ (인트로부터 배경 장면이 아름답게 카메라에 담겼다.) 배우 연기 ★★★★★ (말해뭐해,, 어떻게 보면 B급 시나리오를 A급으로 만듬) 스토리 전개 ★★★★ (중간에 장면 커팅들이 순식간에 지나가는걸 느낄 수 있다. 시간이 길어져서 감독이 많이 자른듯. 원래 3시간이었다는 썰도 있다 ...ㅋㅋ) 영화소개 One Italian Filmmaker’s Ultimate Set — His Own Home (Published 2016) Luca Guadagnino conjures a world of dark beauty in his films, and in his apartment in a 17th-century palazzo outside of Milan. ww..
https://kr.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/matlab.graphics.primitive.polygon-properties.html 다각형의 모양과 동작 - MATLAB - MathWorks 한국 UIContextMenu 속성을 설정하거나 가져오는 것은 권장되지 않습니다. ContextMenu 속성을 대신 사용하십시오. 이 속성은 동일한 유형의 입력값을 받고 UIContextMenu 속성과 같은 방식으로 동작합니다. UICon kr.mathworks.com https://kr.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/fill.htm 채워진 2차원 패치 생성 - MATLAB fill - MathWorks 한국 fill 또는 fill3 함수로 만든 Patch 객체의..
https://youtu.be/42M3esYyHdw https://youtu.be/eABaAsyA5rI
https://youtu.be/42M3esYyHdw https://youtu.be/eABaAsyA5rI
1. Hair cells respond only to stimuli parallel to the hair bundle's axis of morphological symmetry. -> how to operate parallelly each stereocilia direction, and tip link direction? 2. auditory systems average response over several cycles to improve its signal-to-noise ratio, the threshold of hearing corresponds to hair-bundle deflection of as little as +-0.3nm. -> Who and How average? The dynami..
https://kr.mathworks.com/help/audio/ref/shiftpitch.html Shift audio pitch - MATLAB shiftPitch - MathWorks 한국 Pitch shifting can alter the spectral envelope of the pitch-shifted signal. To diminish this effect, you can set PreserveFormants to true. If PreserveFormants is set to true, the algorithm attempts to estimate the spectral envelope using an iterative proce kr.mathworks.com https://stackov..
1. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a brain-scanning technique that measures blood flow(혈류) in the brain when a person performs a task. fMRI works on the premise(전제) that neurons in the brain that are the most active during a task use the most energy. Energy requires glucose and oxygen(포도당;글루코스와 산소). Oxygen is carried in the bloodstream..